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Become Your Own Raw Food Chef

Become your own rawfood chef is an online course in English were you learn all the basics in the rawfood kitchen. Through guided audio in each module and about 100 different delicious recipes, you will get all the knowledge you need to start creating healthy and tasty rawfood in your own kitchen. 


Work through the different modules in your own pace. You will learn about what kind of equipment you need, the ingredients to use, how you create the best consistencies, and how you can introduce more of the rawfood into your everyday life. 


The ten different modules are: Basic raw kitchen, Breakfast, Chocolate, Desserts, Fermentation, Kids, Lunch, Snack, Soups, Superfoods. 


Short introduction to the 'Become Your Own Raw Food Chef' online course




One participant share her experiens with the online course 


"Anyone looking for new inspiration for a happy healthy lifestyle, well this is the course for you. It is
beautifully laid out, easy to follow and has a variety of recipes to give you the best possible base
for your kitchen experience. I first did this online course over 4 years ago and it has become my
ground, to all the time I spend in the kitchen.
I highly recommend this course for anyone looking to enjoy health and wellbeing in and out of the
kitchen for themselves, family, friends and mother nature.

Thank you Linda for your generosity in sharing so much of you love, knowledge and passion for



  • Online Course

    Become Your Own Raw Food Chef
    Valid for one year
    • Basic Raw Kitchen
    • Breakfast
    • Lunch and Dinner
    • Soups
    • Snacks
    • Desserts
    • Chocolate
    • Kids
    • Fermentation
    • Superfoods
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